Students are given the opportunity to play and compete at different levels ranging from organised in-school sporting competitions to sport at representative levels. Sport provides children and parents with many positive things including:
- healthy, good natured competition
- experiences in team sport and games skills
- positive social sporting contact with pupils from other schools
- enjoyment and fun for all concerned, including equal time on and off the field/court for all players
- opportunity to train and be a member of a team
- opportunities to compete & excel in their chosen sport.
The Primary School Sport Program takes advantage of the skills of the College coaches and of external providers. Opportunities include:
- Cricket run by NSW Cricket
- Fundamental Football Skills
- Basketball Skills Program run by Penrith and Districts Basketball Association
- Gymnastics run by Penrith YMCA
- Swimming at Nepean Aquatic Centre
- Tennis run by Nepean District Tennis Association
Representative Sport
Students are provided with opportunities to participate in representative sporting team sat the College.
PSSA teams play in two gala days during Term 2 and 3 and are made up of students in Years 3-6. Sports available are Soccer, Netball and AFL.
NASSA (New Anglican Schools Sports Association) teams are for students who are seeking selection into the CIS (Combined Independent School) sporting pathways. NASSA teams are predominantly made up of students in Year 5 and 6 who should be playing at a very high level in the local area.
CIS Qualifications
NASSA Swimming Carnival
The top three fastest qualifiers for each event will qualify for NASSA representation for the CIS Carnival. The next two fastest are reserve for each event and will be notified if they qualify.
NASSA Cross-Country
The NASSA team will be selected from the first 10 overall finishers in each event. This team will compete at the CIS Cross Country Championships on the date scheduled.
NASSA Athletics Carnival
The best three athletes in each event, except the 800m which will only be two, and the 1500m, which will only be one, will gain automatic selection into the NASSA Team to compete at the CIS Carnival. This includes School-based relay squads.
NASSA Gala Days
Independent selectors in conjunctions with coaches are involved in the selection of students nominated for the CIS trials.
Non-NASSA Gala Day Sports
There are a select few sports without a NASSA Gala day. For selection into these CIS teams, students must express their interest in trialing for these sports to Mr Hall, with their parents permission. There are a number of criteria provided by NASSA and CIS guidelines which students must meet in order to trial for the Non- NASSA Gala Day Sports. Please consider these written guidelines below before making your expression of interest known:
- Leading competitor in school or local team.
- District representation strongly advised.
- High level of expertise in all areas of the game.
- A number of years’ experience in the game.
- Well-disciplined in all areas of the game.
- Recommended by a competent coaching source
- Students with current experience in the sport
Before and After School Sports Programs
The College is pleased to offer Football Programs for our Primary students throughout the year. The objective of both the Advanced Pathway and the Football Development Program is to provide an environment in which students are encouraged to further develop their skills. Both programs are a recognised football training program with accredited coaches that embrace the National Football Curriculum developed by Football Federation Australia.
The Advanced Pathway Program is a selective and dedicated program that enables both boys and girls to represent the College at a higher level. We believe that this program will have a positive impact on our wider representative commitments in PSSA, NASSA and other gala days. As part of this program additional training will occur before school hours. Students will need to be prepared to arrive promptly at school at 7am on the required day to commence training on the College oval. In the event of extreme weather, training will be moved to the College gymnasium.
Students for the Advanced Pathway are chosen from trials on 29 January. Students who might like to be involved in these training sessions will be notified if they have qualified for the Advanced Pathway. The program is not compulsory for students to participate in PSSA and NASSA teams but are highly encouraged to join in order to progress their skills.
The Football Development Program is designed to provide a progressive pathway for students from the grassroots level through to the representative options provided by the College. This program is offered to both male and female students from Pre-K to Year 6 and will be conducted after school hours by specialist and qualified coaches, under the guidance of our Football Director, Sonny Makko.
Students in Pre-K and K will be meeting at the afternoon dismissal seats at 3:15pm on Tuesdays and Years 1 and 2 on Wednesdays. During this time, students are encouraged to eat some afternoon tea, go to the bathroom and put on sunscreen if the session is on the oval, ready for the program to start at 3:30pm. Students in Years 3 to Year 6 will be meeting at the afternoon dismissal seats at 3:30pm on Thursdays. Students in Years 5 and 6 are encouraged to come to the oval when they have been dismissed from class. The programs will run for an hour each week and start in Week 3 of Term 1. Parents will collect their children from the afternoon dismissal seats at 4:30pm.
Parents can watch their child participate in the program and sign them out once the program has finished. The remaining students will be escorted to the Primary seats by coaching staff when the program has ended. The coaches will supervise the students until 4:45pm. Any students still waiting to be picked up after this time will be taken to After School Care.

For more information on Penrith Anglican College's sport programs, please contact the Primary School's Director of Sport below.