Quick Links for Parents

Edumate revolutionises parent communication through collaboration and sharing of data between teachers, parents, and students by making information accessible via SMS, email, or Edumate’s cloud-based platform.

Flexischools (Canteen)
For online ordering for our Canteen, we use Flexischools. Register on their website or download the Flexischools App to get started. You can then place your order, make a payment and top up your account.

Purchase new or second hand college uniforms for all seasons. Make appointments for sizing. Trade in old uniforms. View our uniform guidelines and latest price list.

Event Bookings
Book tickets for all College events that require registration or payment. From musicals to camp fees, making payments with TryBooking is easy.

The Vine Newsletter
View all the latest news, events, photos in our online fortnightly newsletter for Penrith Anglican College families.

Term Dates
See the important days and times on the college Calendar so you can have a good idea of what’s coming up and when. View event times, exam periods, public holidays and more.

Stationery/Book lists
View all the notebooks, textbooks, folders, pens, tools and digital devices your children need for their subjects.

For book reviews, events and to access our library catalogue OLIVER, visit the Library website.

eSafety for parents
Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online. The eSafety Guide includes important advice about their safety features, including how to use the settings to report online abuse and protect personal information.

Parent Portal Instructions
Instructions for parents on how to log into the Edumate Parent Portal to view wellbeing, academic, attendance and debtor information.