Vibrant learning.
Caring teachers.
The primary school at the Penrith Anglican College is an exciting, vibrant learning community with passionate and caring teachers who will encourage and nurture your child in all aspects of their learning journey.
Students from Pre-K through to Year 6 are cared for in a compassionate Christian environment where Christ is at the centre of everything we do. At Penrith Anglican College your child will know that they are valued and belong to a wonderful and diverse community that seek to serve Christ.
The message of the Gospel is embedded into all aspects of the College through our staff and teaching programs including weekly Christian Living classes and Chapels.
Our College allows students to navigate the world as God intended and encourages them to live out the values of compassion, humility, integrity, courage and perseverance.
Class Structures
All students in the Primary school are cared for in core classes with their classroom teacher. In this class, students are taught Christian Living, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Drama and PDHPE. Students also can engage in Visual Arts and Music lessons taught by highly experienced specialist teachers each week.
In Years 1 to 6, students are placed in graded streamed classes for English and Mathematics to ensure they have access to the best level of learning that suits their individual needs. These classes are designed to ensure the needs of the students are met based on their level of learning and provide additional adjustments and support to ensure their learning is enhanced in every way.
We have a strong focus on Literacy, Numeracy and critical thinking skills which form the building blocks for students to succeed in the later years. The College also recognises the importance of creativity, and teachers collaboratively plan learning opportunities that meet the individual needs of the students.

Learning at Penrith Anglican College
We offer an innovated and tailored curriculum in accordance with the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) requirements including:
- English
- Mathematics
- Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) - History and Geography
- Science and Technology
- Creative and Practical Arts - Music, Visual Arts and Drama
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
- Sport
- Library
- Christian Living
Our teaching and learning programs are planned to ensure that all areas of learning work together to maximise our students’ learning potential.
The College’s learning culture has a strong focus on empowering students to learn how to learn.
This prepares them with the knowledge and skills to be able to live and work in any future environment that is vastly different to the world we know now.
Our highly experienced teachers analyse student assessment data regularly to ensure that the learning needs of the students is targeted to meet their needs.
Students have access to the latest technologies and are presented with the opportunities to learn the skills required to become global and competent 21st Century learners who can solve complex problems within their community.
From Year 5, students take part in the College’s Bring You Own Device (BYOD) program as they engage in a higher level of interactive learning opportunities preparing them for their high school years. All students from Pre-K to Year 6 have access to devices that will enhance their skills for learning. iPads are available in Pre-K to Year 2 classrooms and all students from Year 3-6 are able to access College laptops.

Learning Support
We have a strong and dedicated learning support team who provide explicit and research-based interventions to support students with additional learning needs. Students have the opportunity to work with the learning support teacher and teachers’ aides regularly in a range of platforms that suit their individual needs. The learning support teacher works collaboratively with the classroom teachers to develop Individualised learning plans and strategies to ensure all aspects of learning needs are met.
Home Learning
At Penrith Anglican College, we recognise the importance between family time and learning so we set tasks that provide extension and consolidation of topics explored in the classroom, that does not take time away from the important events in your life.
Building partnerships
Building and maintaining strong partnerships between school and families is important to us which benefit the academic and spiritual growth of our students. We understand that students require stability and support every step of the way and we pride ourselves in maintaining constant and open communication with our families, enabling us to learn and grow together.
Co-curricular and Sports
Students at Penrith Anglican College have opportunities to engage in a range of co-curricular activities including:
- BIG: Christian lunchtime group
- Choir
- Development Band
- Debating
- Chess
- Coding Club
- Lego robotics
- E-Sports
- Friendship Spot
From Year 3, students are offered an array of sporting opportunities in the local Penrith area through the Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) and New Anglican Schools Sports Association (NASSA).
Students in Years 2, 4 and 6 participate in the Swimming Program in Term 4 of each year.
House Groups
All students at the College belong to one of four houses: Cranmer, Ryle, Ridley and Latimer.
Students in the Primary school begin to build strong relationships within their houses. The houses form an essential part of our wellbeing program which prepare the students for their journey into higher grades.
We look forward to welcoming you into our wonderful community.

Mrs Melinda Richardson
Head of Primary
BEd (Primary)