The College is committed to developing leadership skills and values in its students so that they can make positive contributions to both the College and to the wider community. The model of service leadership provides both formal and informal leadership opportunities.
Primary student leadership positions are open to all students in Years 6. Students interested in leadership positions submit a written application and are involved in an interview process. Primary student leaders represent the student body at formal College and community occasions, assist in a variety of College activities, and promote and facilitate student-led service initiatives. The Primary House Captains lead students in their House to foster and build house spirit for each of the four houses: Cranmer, Latimer, Ridley and Ryle.
In the Secondary school, many opportunities are provided for leadership and service. Leaders in the Secondary school, including Captains, Vice Captains, House Captains and Prefects are appointed after a process of nomination and interview and work on goals aimed at fulfilling the College’s Mission statement and reflecting the Colleges values of Compassion, Humility, Integrity, Courage and Perseverance. Secondary student leaders represent staff and students at College and community events; undertake responsibilities at the College; organise service and fundraising events and promote initiatives which foster connections across the College. House Captains actively lead in promoting House Spirit and are an integral part of the College’s Mentor system.
Another avenue for formal leadership opportunities in the Secondary school is within the House based Mentor Groups. At the beginning of each year, a Mentor group votes in a Representative who will engage in A student council. Throughout the year this student helps to run Mentor Group activities, assists in the organisation and running of some House events, and is also the student voice who attends the council meetings for the students in their Mentor group. Through this position, students can raise ideas, concerns and help to build up the community at Penrith Anglican College. We also run a program for all Year 11 students where they ‘mentor’ a Year 7 student throughout the year. Every Year 11 student is involved in this program and meets with their Year 7 buddy at least twice a term.
A major focus of student leadership in both Primary and Secondary school is facilitating student voice across the College. Students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 have the opportunity to provide feedback on learning and College initiatives and to participate in decision-making in a variety of areas.
Our Secondary student leaders engage in training programs and meet regularly with Primary leaders to share ideas and develop their leadership skills.
As leaders, our students model humility, integrity, teamwork and commitment, and are given opportunities to put these into practice. Student Leadership and voice are a valued feature of the College.