Prepared to thrive.
Explore our teaching and learning experiences.

Our learning culture, language and habits
Our Teaching and Learning Framework intends to not only equip our students to achieve their best academic results, but also enable them to develop as learners who will continue to excel beyond their time at the College.
Wellbeing for future success
Research has shown us that given the right tools, a person can learn the skills and strategies that can help strengthen their wellbeing no matter what is happening in their lives. Wellbeing includes relationships, resilience, meaning, positive emotions, engagement and physical health.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Many of the future jobs our students will take part in do not exist today, so we need to train our students how to access the plethora of information available in order for them to be lifelong learners who have the skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.
Developing servant leaders
We're committed to developing leadership skills and values in our students so that they can make positive contributions to both the College and to the wider community. The model of service leadership provides both formal and informal leadership opportunities.

Celebrating diversity within our student population
Our Learning Support team work in close collaboration with parents and teachers, to ensure that we strive to identify and meet the needs of all our students, whilst always placing the them at the centre of what we do.
Dynamic spaces to read, research and collaborate
They are the centre of learning spaces in the Primary and Secondary schools, and can host classes or individual students throughout the day.

An opportunity to deepen faith and understanding.
We offer regular Christian groups that provide students across the Primary and Senior School the opportunity to meet and encourage each other in their faith and deepen their understanding of God and his plans for the world.