Term Dates & Daily Times

Plan your year.

Know the start and end of terms, public holidays and school holidays so you can plan around them.

Term Dates 2025

Term 1 10 Weeks
Monday 3 February Pre-K 3 & 5 Days, Kindergarten, Years 7, 11 & 12 Commence
Tuesday 4 February All Other Students (except Pre-K 2 Days) Commence
Thursday 6 February Pre-K 2 Days Commence
Friday 11 April Term 1 Concludes
Term 2 10 Weeks
Tuesday 29 April Term 2 Commences
Monday 9 June King's Birthday Holiday
Friday 4 July Term 2 Concludes
Term 3 9 Weeks
Monday 28 July Term 3 Commences
Friday 26 September Term 3 Concludes
Term 4 9 Weeks
Tuesday 14 October Term 4 Commences
Tuesday 9 December Term 4 Concludes

Daily Times

The daily supervision times where staff are on duty will be 8.00am to 3.45pm. Outside these times, students in Pre-K to Year 6 students are expected to be in Before and After School Care.

Start of Day Times
Supervision Commences 8:00am
Pre-K Classes Commence 8:40am
Kindergarten - Year 12 Classes Commence 8:30am
End of Day Times
Pre-K Finish 3:00pm
Kindergarten - Year 6 Finish 3:15pm
Year 7-12 Finish 3:24pm
Supervision Concludes 3:45pm