Prepared for the world.
The Secondary School provides a program which prepares students to go into the world with confidence and experience, preparing them to thrive in a changing world.
Through the breadth of curriculum options and a diverse range of co-curricular opportunities, together with our experienced and nurturing staff, we teach our students to learn how to learn, preparing them to excel in their chosen fields and to make a difference for Christ in their communities.
Thinking and communicating about language and literature are essential to the teaching and learning of English at Penrith Anglican College. Teachers use a variety of texts and activities to encourage students to explore ideas within the framework of a Christian worldview; developing student capacities to reflect critically on the world around them and broadening their ability to communicate. As a result of their experiences, students will therefore be empowered to make connections between language, their world, themselves and others.
Although Mathematics is an exact, systematic and logical subject, it also satisfies and celebrates the beauty of a solution. It is a subject of discovery and invention; cultivating patience, problem solving skills and independence in our students.
In order to be relied upon, mathematical laws are dependent themselves on attributes which indicate an origin in God. As such, through a Christian worldview, the study of Mathematics demonstrates not only the inherent calculative nature of God, but further reveals that God himself is the necessary foundation of our universe’s mathematical logic.
Science is an investigative process which allows us to gain objective, valid and reliable knowledge about the physical world. The study of Science is important because it allows students to develop critical thinking skills that are required to make sense of data that is presented to them, particularly by popular and social media. By providing students with opportunities to develop these investigative skills through experimentation and data analysis, they will be better equipped to discern the validity of claims made in debates surrounding climate change, vaccinations, genetically modified products and renewable energy to name a few.
Human Society and its Environment
Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) encourages students to engage with a wide variety of historical, economic, political, environmental, legal, religious and social perspectives across a range of subjects. These include History, Commerce, Geography, Business Studies, Economics, Legal Studies and Society and Culture.
Through the various disciplines of human sciences, students are encouraged to challenge their awareness of not only the greater world, but also the existence of interconnections between people and places. Through this exploration, students are enabled to become more informed global citizens, and are empowered to understand the ways in which the decisions they make today might impact their local community and the wider world tomorrow.
Through the exploration of communication in different cultural contexts, students at Penrith Anglican College are empowered to not only communicate with a greater variety of people around the world, but more crucially, increase their empathy for a broader range of other cultures. As such, learning another language not only allows people to harness the innate ability to form lasting bonds with one another, it also plays an increasingly essential role in a 21st century globalised economy. Furthermore, studying a language also helps develop abstract problem solving skills and pattern recognition, challenging students to not only recall words and language but to also reflect on histories, customs and sources of knowledge other than their own.
Performing Arts
Music, Drama and Dance are inherently expressions of the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. As such, these subjects are by nature wholistic experiences for students through which they can explore and develop particular giftings and interests. The arts are also both a reflection of culture and at times, a questioning of its values and ideas. At Penrith Anglican College, Music, Dance and Drama seek to glorify our great God through creative performance practice and in the appraisal of cultural value systems in the light of His Word.
The study of PDHPE is paramount in the growth of well-rounded students, significantly contributing to the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of young people. At Penrith Anglican College, PDHPE students are provided with the opportunity to learn about, and practise a healthy and active lifestyle through units of work tailored to the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. PDHPE not only seeks to deliver lessons that assist in improving student capacity to move with skill in a variety of contexts, it also provides unique learning experiences that both positively challenge students within a safe environment, enhancing their interactions and interpersonal relationships.
Through the study of Technology courses, students engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and they have the opportunity to become technologically literate individuals capable of developing innovative, sustainable solutions to contextually relevant problems. They use a variety of thinking strategies, embrace new concepts and learn through trialling, testing and refining ideas whilst using a range of materials and technologies.
The diversity of learning experiences encourages both independent and collaborative learning and skills in designing, planning, managing and evaluating which are transferable across and beyond the school.
Through a knowledge and understanding of contemporary and future technologies that enrich societies globally they develop the capacity for action and a critical appreciation of how technologies evolve and contribute to society.
Visual Arts
By their very nature, works of art are transformative. Visual Arts empowers students to participate in the rich and varied visual cultures of the world through both the creation and appreciation of art itself.
As Visual Arts is available to all students from Kindergarten to Year 12, Penrith Anglican College aims to holistically nurture artistic abilities within a Christian framework, recognising that creative power is a gift from God. Through this lens, the College offers students the opportunity to truly experience art as Finlay (2016) puts it ‘…for no other purpose than to act on our senses in an extraordinary manner.’
Christian Living
Jesus Christ died to take the punishment for our sins and was raised to life by a Creator God. The foundation of this Gospel message not only fundamentally changes the way a person views the world in which they live, it has also led many faithful believers to live incredible stories throughout Christian history. Christian Living is a subject in which the truth of Jesus and the impact that He has had on history is presented in an engaging and student-centered way. Students are often encouraged to engage in discussions and explain their beliefs while also respectfully listening and understanding the beliefs of their peers. It is an investigation of the impact and person of Jesus, living and true.
Vocational Education and Training
Providing a relevant, practical avenue for students and with a clear link to post school employment, Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses enable students to obtain both a High School Certificate qualification and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accreditation. Penrith Anglican College currently offers two VET courses, Hospitality (SIT20322),Certificate II in Hospitality; and Entertainment Industry (CUA30420), Certificate III in Live Production and Technical Services. Recognised across Australia, the VET courses develop workplace specific skills whilst also giving students a practical connection to future employment opportunities in a specific industry.

The College Library aims to empower students through the development of their research skills and information literacy, cultivating a love of literature through both the Primary and Secondary schools. Through guided searching of databases and the Library catalogue, students are able to locate and discern valuable information to further their knowledge and are encouraged to engage with differing points of view. Students at Penrith Anglican College are also able to develop a well-rounded understanding of their world through not only the celebration of great literature, but also through the ongoing promotion of imaginative authors and compelling stories.